Light sources, UPLUX, and cannabis

If you are looking to earn a lot of profit by growing cannabis since it has been legalized, you are in the right place. Reading through this article, you will be introduced with the limiting factors which will allow you to understand the growth of weed in a better manner and maximize the yield by using the best products.
If you are aware of the mechanism of how plants grow, you will be aware of the limiting factors which affect the growth at every stage. Where it is soil, nutrients, water or light, each of them have a role to play. Change in the intensity of any one of those can alter the growth. Light is one of the limiting factors which is inarguably the key one and has a major role to play. Phototropism is a common term in plant growth. If there is more light, the growth of the plant will follow it and will increase the rate of growth as well.
Many other substantial things to consider while the growth of plants is carried out is to ensure that proper care is taken for the levels of CO₂, regulation of the day/night temperature, and range of relative humidity. Nutrients concentration has to be kept in check as well. It is important to understand that nitration is different at every stage of the growth cycle of the plant. Some enthusiasts of the plant growth make use of the music or bio waves to increase the growth by squeezing the stomata. These are a few techniques but still, things have improved a lot scientifically.
The discussion, in this case, will be of Light. As a source of food and growth, it is ideal to see the range and intensity of light for the plant. Be it is natural sunlight or the artificial LED Light, it is the decision of the grower about the kind of light he thinks will suit his plant.
People have tried to use the 2000W/m² bulbs for the cannabis plant at the early stages of growth but it has not proven to be much beneficial. Some people have even tried the latest LED technology but due to eh lack of training in setting the right temperature, the growth has halted. It is impertinent to consider the facts like the height of the cannabis plant and the spatial issues since they’re interrelated to the type of light used for the growth of the plant.
This article will introduce the best light sources and how it is better than the rest of the sources. The pros and cons will be discussed in detail to give a better overview and to convince the reader what we offer is the best.
Natural light has been used by the plant for growth since ancient times. There was no concept of artificial lighting for plants that are grown indoor. Since cannabis was illegal to be grown in the open field, people started indoor growth. But light is needed for this growth. So the street lights were used in the past to start the indoor growth of the plant. It was named as high-intensity discharge or HID. HID was either sodium or metal halide. They were not very efficient, full of intensity which was too much for the plant and generated a lot of heat which disturbed the temperature.
People dated to opt for the lights which were more effective and generated less heat. One of those is the UPLUX. Due to the issues of space and heat, people have been opting to use low heat-generating light options. These means are more effective as they use less electricity and also produce less heat which is ideal for the growth of the plant. As CFLs—compact fluorescent lights, light sources are very effective, cost-efficient, portable and easily available in the market. They are easy to fit and insert and are readily accessible.
UPLUX is one of the great moderns LED light source. It is efficient and effective with better photosynthetic active radiation. It is the degree of the intensity and efficacy of light which is used by the plant during the process of growth. This is the measure of the quality and intensity of the light spectrum that the plants actually use for photosynthesis. It does not indicate that LED is more effective as compared to HID or CFL. It is an indication that it is able to provide more effective services as compared to the rest of the options.
Plasma fixtures are an option as well. They work the same as HID but are much better in comparison to the sodium or halide light sources.
Light timing
It is important to keep a track of the Light schedule for the growth of the cannabis plant. It is seen that 18 hours on and 6 hours off is the timing during the vegetative phase. While during the flowering phase, it is 12–12 hours. With efficient light sources, this timing can be easily achieved.
How cannabis gets affected by the issues of light?
If the light is reduced in a progressive manner, the production and growth of the plant are increased. This is known as light deprivation. The aim is to ensure that the plant is made to believe that it has a short life cycle for growth so that the growth could be fastened.
UPLUX comes with an inline exhaust fan having better heat sensors. It works really well with the quality variac transformer. The life expectancy of the fans is increased as they are normally used during a specified growth period. UPLUX is a better option since it allows to ensure that the light is close to the plant.
UPLUX is one of the best light sources available in the market. With effective lighting, better assistance and access to the plant, UPLUX is one of the great options. It increases the yield, outcome, and growth of the cannabis plant. It is the best option available for cannabis growers who are looking to get the highest yield in the most effective manner.